Thursday, September 27, 2012


Love is it really what it is like in the fairy tales. 
When a man comes on a stallion to wisp away the Princess to a life of wonder and happiness. 
Love is a passion, an obsession, a trick. 
Love is a feeling that many do not understand. 
Can a person Love so fiercely that they would lay down their life for another. 
Love is a never ending feeling. 
Once you love it never goes away.
 Even if that person hurt you the Love is still burning inside their soul. 
Love is not only a feeling, but a way of life. 
Life revolves around Love.
 For if there was no Love in this world and no compassion for life. 
The word would seise to exist. 
Love is instilled in us like the breath that we breathe. 
Like the food that we crave. 
Love is burning yearning to come out of every pore of our skin. 
The rush, the intensity, the fight to hold on. 
The race against the clock to be that one. 
The tenacity to reach that goal.
 In the end is it worth loosing on the way, feeling the break, and ending the game.
 Life is one big game to find the winner. 
Whoever fights harder and pulls the trigger. 
The trigger of the one word that makes men and women run. 
It is the most valued, but the one that intimidates.
 The one that will break the true being of a man. 
The one word or phrase that is coveted as being the most important thing to anyone or anything that breathes. 
It is to Love and to be Loved. 
Till the end of our days. 
Till the last air that I breathe. 
I will be chasing for the one true thing. 
The most honest of words, and the most harsh to see. 
The word that I will patiently wait for.
 The word that will knock me into the abyss of dreams. 
The word that will make be whole once again. 
That word is LOVE. 
I will wait for it till the end.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aren't We All In This Together

With the upcoming election coming up its kinda bothering me how much hatred there is for the candidates. The conservative right is bashing President Obama extremely hard, and the liberal left is finding every inch of of space to make Romney look like a right wind nut job. The question in my mind is aren't we all in this together. Shouldn't we look beyond party lines and actually see the policies in which these men are wanting to implement. The news you see on tv states that Romney's future plans would have abortion in even cases of rape illegal, no opportunity for immigrants to go to college if they were brought to this country at a young age without their consent, a harsh stance on illegal immigration, no gay rights, no healthcare for all, tax breaks for the rich, less money for incentives to help the poor, Medicare as a voucher plan, and higher interest rates for student loans. President Obama's plans include gay marriage rights, a women's right to her reproductive future, healthcare for all, tax increases on the rich, tax breaks for the middle class, less outsourcing of jobs, clean jobs, less foreign fuel, ending of the wars, more diplomatic ways to end conflict, and bringing more jobs back to America. These are just a few policies stances of both candidates, but they are clearly polar opposites. It really seems as if this election is pretty much like every election. A bunch of empty promises right, just like every election before. I don't understand why people are getting so heated. In every election the candidate no matter who they are is going to promise something they may never produce for your vote. Romney had essentially "Obamacare" in Massachusetts when he was governor, he was a key advisor to the making of a universal healthcare law in that state. Now he is completely against the healthcare act, when his plan was the blueprint for the act that is now in law. Romney is actually quite a moderate and is only taking these stances to be as conservative as possible to gain the tea-party vote, but he in actuality is losing many swing voters over his new extreme stances. In most elections they are won by the swing states and he is losing this election by siding with the extreme right. President Obama has a lot of great plans and views of how he wants this country to run, but he cannot implement these if he does not have a congress working with him. Half of his plans never came to culmination because they couldn't pass through congress. Congress reminds me of a Jr.High cheerleading team, or better an episode of Jersey Shore. Seriously grown adults cannot seem to work together to help the country at all. They are too consumed with party lines that they are unwilling to work for the people that voted them into power to work for the interest of their community. Congress has failed this country not the President. The next time you bash the President whether they are conservative or liberal look at the congress in session. You will soon find out that the President probably had a great moderate plan, but Congress is too up their own ass's to help out this nation in our greatest time of need. In essence when voting this election year really look at the track record of your candidate and steer clear of party lines there are some amazing liberals out there and conservatives. We are all in this together we thrive as one we go down as one. Instead of voting for Democrat or Conservative vote for the candidate that will best bring this country back to greatness. You never know what they are truly capable of. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thus It Begins

It is difficult to process thoughts let alone put them to paper and let out whatever is haunting your consciousness. Clearly we are living in a technological era where phone calls have turned into texts, private diaries are made public in a blog, and every-time your friend Tom is somewhere he checks-in. We are obsessed with where people are, what they like, photo's of every little thing, and chronologically posting what our every thought is. Sometimes I remember what it felt like to actually remember peoples telephone numbers, or hoping that the boy you like would leave a message on your families land-line. The simple times of playing outside and not obsessing over the new Madden, or killer video game. Our society has turned into a glutenous consuming machine with no stop insight. Don't get me wrong I love my I-phone, my MacBook, and all the other luxuries of having technology. I do not love how obese people are becoming and less educated. My purpose in this blog is to share my raw creative ability to write. My openness to my emotions, thoughts, insights, and perspective on what life is becoming in this new era of time for me. Growing and maturing, living and loving, relationships, friendships, and my dysfunctional family. I love my life, I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am and I don't regret a single mistake I've made. It is all about growing and growing with the times. So now it begins to when I put my ink to paper or better said my fingers to this keyboard. Enjoy