Monday, September 24, 2012

Thus It Begins

It is difficult to process thoughts let alone put them to paper and let out whatever is haunting your consciousness. Clearly we are living in a technological era where phone calls have turned into texts, private diaries are made public in a blog, and every-time your friend Tom is somewhere he checks-in. We are obsessed with where people are, what they like, photo's of every little thing, and chronologically posting what our every thought is. Sometimes I remember what it felt like to actually remember peoples telephone numbers, or hoping that the boy you like would leave a message on your families land-line. The simple times of playing outside and not obsessing over the new Madden, or killer video game. Our society has turned into a glutenous consuming machine with no stop insight. Don't get me wrong I love my I-phone, my MacBook, and all the other luxuries of having technology. I do not love how obese people are becoming and less educated. My purpose in this blog is to share my raw creative ability to write. My openness to my emotions, thoughts, insights, and perspective on what life is becoming in this new era of time for me. Growing and maturing, living and loving, relationships, friendships, and my dysfunctional family. I love my life, I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am and I don't regret a single mistake I've made. It is all about growing and growing with the times. So now it begins to when I put my ink to paper or better said my fingers to this keyboard. Enjoy 

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